Examine & Review Business Valuation Report Samples by an MBA, CVA, CBI
Numerous clients have told us that many cases a valuation report does not provide feedback on valuation drivers and they do not make specific recommendations on improving the valuation (value) of a business. We believe that it is important for the client to understand the business valuation drivers and the makeup of a business valuation report so that clients report may have an opportunity to improve the valuation (value) of their business. A solid Business Valuation consists of objective and subjective valuation indicators. The objective parts of the report are easy to measure and the business valuation expert uses the market as a reference of value (valuation). Profits are the key indicator of a business valuation but it is not always easy to increase profits, so the real opportunity to increase a business value (valuation) lies in the subjective parts of a business value (valuation). Our Comprehensive, Intermediate and to a lesser degree the Summary Valuation reports consist of a very thorough review and analysis of the subjective parts that make up a credible and defensible business valuation report. In addition to performing a significant amount of review, analysis and due diligence prior to performing a business valuation we also utilize Valuation Questionnaire to have completed by our client. All of the information and data (objective and subjective information) that we collect and review for input into our valuation analysis results in a very accurate and defensible business valuation report.
We have experience and expertise in performing valuations on all businesses in all industries. Also due to the fact that we also perform Mergers and Acquisitions we are able to apply practical market business valuation knowledge and therefore produce an accurate, credible, and defensible business valuation report.
If you and or your client are simply looking for a solid but simple valuation you can order our Summary Valuation report, the cost for this report is only $500. The report is 12 pages long but provides a solid valuation of a business in a summary form. The summary report is meant for internal use since it is not detailed and broad enough to be used externally with Buyers and their Advisors in defending the valuation of a business. To view samples of the Summary Business Valuation report Click here: fortunebta.com/sample-summary-business-valuation/
We also offer two other business valuation reports. The 2nd valuation is refereed to as the Intermediate Business Valuation. This valuation is a limited scope valuation report which applies basic value drivers to produce a semi-formal valuation report. It utilizes four to five valuation methodologies. The report is 30-35 pages. The price for this valuation is $2,000. To view samples of the Intermediate Business Valuation Click here: fortunebta.com/sample-intermediate-business-valuation/
The 3rd valuation is refereed to as the Comprehensive Business Valuation. This report incorporates broad and complex business reviews, financial reviews and analysis. This valuation is very detailed and defensible. It utilizes seven to ten valuation methodologies. The report is 40-50 pages. The price for this valuation is $4,500. To view samples of the Comprehensive Business Valuation Click here: fortunebta.com/sample-comprehensive-business-valuation/
To perform a business valuation we collect 3-5 years tax returns, profit and loss statements and balance sheet statements. We perform a review and analysis of the business, industry and the economic factors. Additionally we gather much information via an extensive questionnaire which is partially completed by the client.
To view all three of our valuation samples go to www.fortunebta.com
American Fortune has served clients in the following areas of the USA: Columbus Ohio, Atlanta Georgia, Lexington Kentucky, Bowling Green Kentucky, Nashville Tennessee, Memphis Tennessee, Cincinnati Ohio, Dayton Ohio, Toledo Ohio, Los Angeles, Cleveland Ohio, Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, Baltimore, Maryland, Indianapolis Indiana, Chicago Illinois, Detroit Michigan, Flint Michigan, Tampa Florida, St. Louis Missouri, Kansas City Kansas, Des Moines Iowa, Minneapolis Minnesota, Louisville Kentucky, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, Dallas Texas, Fort Worth Texas, Denver Colorado, San Francisco California, Salt Lake City Utah, Phoenix Arizona, Lexington Kentucky, Los Angeles California, San Diego California.
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