Business IntermediaryA Message from Brian S. Mazar, MBA, Certified Business Intermediary – CEO American Fortune

“American Fortune Celebrates & Honors the Sacrifice & Service of the American Business Owner & Ensures the Continuation of Their Legacy”

To sell a business successfully, it takes a significant amount of preparation as well as experience in merger & acquisition services and extensive expertise in numerous business disciplines. Additionally, it is very important to know and understand the practices and tactics utilized by business buyers. In the sale of a business, the standard industry approach and process favors buyers. Business buyers set the stage and control how a business will be sold. This approach leaves business sellers exposed and vulnerable. Buyers wind-up getting what they want at the expense of a business sellers lifetime of efforts. The second common industry practice to sell a business is the ‘broker services model.’ Because the business broker services model is based on collecting fees when a business sells, this approach can make business brokers do things that are not in the best interest of their clients (business sellers). In a quest for excellence and loyalty to clients, I conceived a different model I named the “Business Sale Adviser.” This model produces exceptional results with the sale of businesses and merger and acquisition adviser services. This Business Sale Adviser approach levels the playing field for business sellers. I branded this model of business exit planning and selling of businesses under the name “American Fortune Mergers & Acquisitions.”

The business philosophy and processes are different at American Fortune. We do not subscribe to the business broker model in the sale of businesses. The “broker” services model tends to turn reliable advisers and business brokers into desperate sales people. At American Fortune, we refuse to follow industry standards just because everyone else does. Our commitment and unconditional loyalty remains with our client. Our results are different too. Those who sell a business using our services and our unique process obtain better terms, higher selling prices and a true business sale advocate during the process of selling their business.

Over the years we’ve expanded our portfolio of services which complement our “Business Sale Adviser” program by offering our clients defensible business valuation services and business exit strategy planning services.

You need to carefully evaluate how you wish to proceed to sell your business. If you own a medium to large business, I encourage you to select a highly qualified and experienced business Business Intermediary. For small businesses, it may be OK to utilize the services of a business broker.


American Fortune Brian Mazar, MBA, Certified Business Intermediary

502-244-0480 ext. 24

We have taught clients how to sell or buy businesses, performed business valuation services, exit strategy planning services and acted as a Business Intermediary in most areas of the USA